welcome to the happy heutagogue
The focus of the happy heutagogue is to help you become your own best teacher. The world is changing at a fantastic rate and learning is one of the important ways to keep up. Whether you learn well or if you think you are not so good at learning, we are here to help you. We want you to improve your way and we want you to develop, and improve, your learning abilities best suited to who you are.
the happy heutagogue publishing process
How to best prove you know something? Explain it so it is easily understood. Teach it. In this article I will explain the process of publishing our articles and podcasts. And how this process supports our learning.
self-determined learner
self-determined is a student-centered instructional strategy. It emphasizes the development of autonomy, capacity, and capability. The goal is to develop your lifelong learning abilities.
self-directed learner
Self-directed learning involves becoming aware of and managing one's own process of learning. It includes developing dispositions that support motivation, self-regulation, perseverance, adaptability, and resilience.
self-determined vs self-directed learning
The key difference between self-directed learning and self-determined learning is the 'double-loop' capability. Beyond problem-solving, double-loop learning involves scrutinizing variables and questioning original concepts, and learning processes. Reflection is a key aspect of increasing learning capabilities promised through double-loop learning.
importance of owning your learning
Once you hit adulthood you are responsible for all your learning. Own it! I can't stress enough the importance of owning your learning. The fun part of this is your need to align your learning with you personal interests. It becomes joyful to be learning things of most interest to you.
what is takes
There are many personal attributes towards what is takes to be a heutagogue. But mostly it is knowing yourself and how you learn best. It takes some commitment to learning a little bit on a schedule that works for your life. Learnings build upon each other and every little big done regularly will add up to a lot. And before you know it you may have a new skill and broader knowledge on something you love.
grooming the learning backlog
our brains will always come up with new ideas of how to make our lives better, something new we want to learn, or more learning on something we already know. Making a list of these things is core to being a happy heutagogue. We call this list the learning backlog. It is a list of all the things you want to learn. Grooming this backlog keeps you moving forward, sometimes a lot, and sometimes a little.
Testing is good for you
Build an automated test suite is good and gives you confidence. Writing the tests yourself deepens your knowledge on a subject. It forces you to look at the boundaries of the subject and to think about what is important and what should be considered background information. Assessing yourself for this also shows you progress.
We believe learning is a long game.
It is not about fitting learnings into a time box, it is about remaining curious and adding a little every day. No matter what you are going to get older every day, so why not also get a little smarter every day? It's not about having to learn a lot every day, it's about learning what you can towards personal learning goals, and if you stay with it you will end up with the skills and knowledge you want.
All sources of learning can feed the brain.
Curiousity is the key. If you can focus for a period of time everything can teach you something. We like to think that we never know when you will find a diamond on the beach. It is a good idea to keep walking on the beach and looking for the lessons that can be seen in everything (if you look hard enough).