Created Date: 2023-11-10
Priority: top
How to best prove you know something? Explain it so it is easily understood. Teach it. In this article I will explain the process of publishing our articles and podcasts. And how this process supports our learning.
Core Concepts
- capture idea - write it down as an issue
- support the idea with research and references
- update topics.json with the idea
- write a blog post for the idea
- publish blog post
- update the resources.json to reflect new blog post
- translate blog post into html page
- publish html page to and .com
- update the resources.json to reflect new html page
- translate the html page into a presentation deck
- walk through / alter the presentation deck for a podcast
- compress the presentation deck into pdf
- publish deck to the content repo
- update the resources.json to reflect new content item
- record the podcast
- publish the podcast
- update the resources.json to reflect new podcast
- announce new content item in all relevant channels